Tentative observations and thoughts which we may do well to take into account at least hypothetically in the attempt to form an overall understanding of the story of life on this planet and the stridently apparent contradictions to that development, thus finding an answer to the common perspective that God, not Satan, is the author of disease and suffering.
Disease eradication, because it takes the globe as its clinic, faces monster-sized complexities. It is a cause that requires a kind of zeal that is reminiscent of the dedication that has propelled missionaries around the globe for centuries. The trouble is that we as the body of Christ have never considered a coordinated disease eradication effort within the range of our responsibility. Should we?
Mark Twain famously said “to trust the God of the Bible is to trust an irascible, vindictive, fierce and ever fickle and changeful master." Even Christians struggle with an Old Testament God who commands genocides and describes himself as both vengeful and jealous. But Brad Cole attests that "The message of the Bible . . . points to the character of God as being all-good, all-loving, and even incorporating supreme humility, service and kindness."
The task of humans who accept Christ as Lord and Savior is to discover God’s glory through His Word, and through His works (nature, science, history), appreciate it (worship) and to join Him in mission to declare that glory by seeking to destroy the “works of the Devil.”
Why it is that the mounting muscle of the very considerable movement of all those globally who are moved by Jesus Christ has not weighed in either theologically or practically in the area of working to correct distortions of nature and of God’s will by going to the roots of the problem of disease?
What would Jesus have said to his hearers if they had known what we know about germs?” Would He have warned them against perversions of their DNA by Satan? Would He have encouraged them to fight back and not to assume that destructive forms of life were made that way in the original creation by God?
The minimal progress missions have made against the practice of female genital mutilation— many do not even address the subject for fear of losing converts—is mute testimony to the awesome power of what we could call “Group Self Deception,” a type of culturally reinforced delusion.
The thing that strikes me is the assumption that God, not Satan is the source of disease. Evangelical leaders are not constantly promoting the destruction of Satan’s works in general, much less in the area of disease. The Bible would urge us not to blame God for Satan’s endeavors. Is not God asking us to fight disease in the Name of Christ?
A handful of (mainly secular) people studying the Book of Creation have [essentially] discerned therein that God is not the author of the twisting and distortions of that Creation, but that there is a whole array of intelligent pathogens to be fought and exterminated.
There is absolutely no evidence I know of in all the world of any theologically driven interest in combating disease at its origins. I have not found any work of theology, any chapter, any paragraph, nor to my knowledge any sermon urging us to go to battle against eradicable disease pathogens.
If we think of the remaining unreached peoples as enemy occupied territories, rather than merely unenlightened areas, “reaching” them with “a viable, evangelizing, indigenous church movement” could seem to assume the possibility that the problem of unreached peoples is merely the absence of good news.
The whole place is an incredible mess. And the police turn angrily to the returning couple. “We got a 911 call that something was wrong in your house. We have been here a half hour and we are overcome with puzzlement and fury. We have never seen a house so poorly kept.” They turn to the wife, “What kind of a housekeeper are you, anyway?”

The first verses of Genesis set the tone and theme for the entire Bible. The Spirit of God hovers over the feared unknown of the darkness and deep, ready to stir it to life-giving status. Similarly, in John an angel stirs up the waters of Bethesda, making them life-producing and healing. These images illustrate the origin of international development: setting right what is not right